Monday, February 26, 2007

Fond Farewells

Head Chef’s parents came to visit, and although it was the source of some frustration, it ended very nicely. We returned from Big Island together and had fast food in the terminal while we waited with them for their connecting flight. Then we walked them to the Wiki Wiki shuttle and Head Chef hugged his mother while I shook his stepfather’s hand. Then we switched, and I got a hug from Mama while Head Chef got a handshake from his stepfather. And we stood there for a second.

At this rate, this might be the last time we’d see them again for another few years. I had just had that moment during Christmas with my own family, and it felt like deju vu. Mama Chef started to cry. We had to hurry and get the goodbye over with, or Head Chef would be next. So we waved and parted.

For all the things that can go wrong or did go wrong, I find it easier to forgive it all in those cases when we love each other enough to drop our guard upon parting. To get just a little bit overwhelmed by goodbyes.

Monday, February 05, 2007

I Am A Visionary

While recognizing that my proposal for how to fix marriage is "absurd," the Washington Defense of Marriage Alliance clearly reads my blog and they've presented a watered-down version to the Washington State Legislature. I don't mind my ideas being used for such ends, I just wish they'd given proper attribution.

And you said I wasn't ahead of my time. At this rate, I expect to be jailed for political reasons within eight months.