Thursday, March 15, 2007

Sad Song

Sometimes I’m in the mood for a sad song. Sometimes I need the minor key because nothing else interlocks with my reality. My body chemistry. The little aches and pains.

And sometimes, when I hear a song that is sad, I feel like I hear the words. No, not the words - that’s not it. I feel the meaning. The way the hurt collects in the throat and in the heart, constricting them - tingling sour in the corners of the jaw and fluttering in the tummy like nervousness. Nervousness and loss.

Sometimes I’d like to write a sad song too, just so someone would hear it. And maybe the right person would hear it, someone who heard the story I was really telling. They could lie on their bed or sit in their cubicle and let a single tear drop because they realized someone else felt the same hurt.

And we’d never meet and it wouldn’t matter. Because that little truth would rescue us both.


Anonymous said...

Spin me round again
and rub my eyes,
this can't be happening.
When busy streets, a mess with people
would stop to hold their heads heavy;
Hide and seek...

Lil said...

mmm. so so good in its pensive way. I wonder if you've read my thoughts of late?